Turtleneck Dickey (圍脖式胸襟)

Turtleneck Dickey

I love neck warmer with turtleneck clothes.  However, living in Miami, the chance to wear turtleneck top is very slim.  Don’t get me wrong, we do have “winter-like” temperature for a short period of time.  Because of that, I think dickey is a perfect add on layer for that.

When choosing the style of a dickey, I like to have a longer front portion than the back portion.  I know that I can knit a dickey just like knitting a pullover sweater.  In another word, I can knit the front and back portion first, than knit the neck portion last.  However, I was never satisfied the way of my neck finishing.  Recently I decide to do a top down raglan style dickey with shadow wrap short row to present the different length between the front and back portions as well as not cutting the yarn during the knitting process.

My first dickey was knitted with Bernat Softee baby yarn and size #6 circular needle for the entire work.  The raglan increase was knitted with combination of right leaning and left leaning increase methods.  The length of the front portion is 4.25 inches (11.5 cm).  The length of the back portion is 3.75 inches (9.5 cm).  I used roughly about 150 yards (137 meters).

Front portion Back portion

My second dickey was knitted with Caron Simply Soft yarn and size #6 circular needle for the neck portion and #8 needle for the check portion.  The raglan increase was knitted with combination of right leaning and left leaning increase methods.  The length of the front portion is 10 inches (25.5 cm).  The length of the back portion is 3.5 inches (9 cm).  I used roughly about 200 yards (182 meters).

Front portion Back portion

My third dickey was also knitted with Caron Simply Soft yarn and size #6 circular needle for the neck portion and #8 needle for the check portion.  The raglan increase was knitted with combination of kfb and make 1 increase methods.  Personally, I like this one the best.  The length of the front portion is 10 inches (25.5 cm).  The length of the back portion is 3.5 inches (9 cm).  I used roughly about 200 yards (182 meters).

Front portion Back portion

My forth dickey was also knitted with Yarn Bee Soft Secret yarn and size #6 circular needle.  the neck portion was knitted with 2x2 ribs.  The rest was knitted with repetition of a section of 3 rows knit stitches and 3 row purl stitches and gradually increased at the 2nd row of the knit stitch portion as well as maintained the “arrow” look at the front side.  There are knitters who knitted this dickey in the round from the bottom up or knitted this dickey flat then sewed to connect the center seam.  However, I found myself easier in the stitches count when I knit with top down sequence.  The length of the front portion is 10 inches (25.5 cm).  The length of the back portion is 6.75 inches (18 cm).  I used roughly about 290 yards (265 meters).

Front portion Back portion


我很喜歡穿高領毛衣. 可是當今我住的地方一年冷天不到一個月. 可以說是沒有冬天. 說是說沒有下雪, 寒流倒是有. 在這種情況下, 套上一件圍脖式胸襟, 在戶外可以擋風寒, 到室內可以方便取下收放. 一舉兩得.

圍脖式胸襟的織法很多. 可以先分別織前片及後片, 再連接領部. 也可以先織領部, 再分別織前片及後片. 這兩種方法,在編織過程中, 都會有剪線及接線的程序. 怕麻煩的人, 也可以從領部到胸部一口氣織完整件圍脖式胸襟, 這樣就不用剪接線. 最近我用了這種織法完成了三件圍脖式胸襟, 每一件用的針法都不太一樣.

第一件整件用6號針. 前胸部分長約11.5公分, 後背部分長約9.5公分. 總共用了大約137公尺的線. 肩膀部分用左右傾斜加針法.

前面 後面

第二件用6號針織領部, 8號針織胸部. 前胸部分長約25.5公分, 後背部分長約9公分. 總共用了大約182公尺的線. 肩膀部分用左右傾斜加針法.

前面 後面

第三件用6號針織領部, 8號針織胸部. 前胸部分長約25.5公分, 後背部分長約9公分. 總共用了大約182公尺的線. 肩膀部分用同一洞織兩針及下針加針法.

前面 後面

第四件全部用6號針織. 前胸部分長約25.5公分, 後背部分長約189公分. 總共用了大約265公尺的線. 肩膀以下的織法是3圈下針3圈上針交錯,同時保持前胸箭型設計.

前面 後面


  1. Hi, your Dickey are very nice. I would like to knit your third model for my husband. Where can i find the pattern. Thank for your help.


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